The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
A day-by-day walk through the transformative beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church.
We found 8 episodes of The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) with the tag “apostles creed”.
Day 26: Communion of Believers (2025)
January 26th, 2025 | 19 mins 29 secs
apostles creed, ascension, baptism, beliefs, believe, believers, bible, catechism, catechism in a year, catechism of the catholic church, catholic, catholic church, catholic doctrine, catholic faith, catholic teachings, catholic tradition, catholicism, common language, communion, father mike, father mike schmitz, foundations of faith, fr mike, fr mike schmitz, jesus, nicene creed, pledge, scripture, sharing faith, summary, summary of faith, symbol of faith, tradition, understanding, what we believe, witness, witness of faith
Today we further realize the sense of the word “credo,” meaning “I believe.” As we read the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed, we discover the differences between the two and come to understand how the Nicene Creed, which came centuries later, expands upon and explains the beliefs of the Apostles’ Creed. Fr. Mike tells us that these Creeds help us to share the essential elements of Catholicism, acting as “symbols of faith,” and encouraging communion between believers. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 185-192.
Day 23: We Believe (2025)
January 23rd, 2025 | 15 mins 52 secs
apostles creed, ascension, belief, bible, catechism, catechism in a year, catechism of the catholic church, catholic, catholic church, catholic creed, catholic doctrine, catholic faith, catholic teachings, catholicism, community, creed, eternal life, faith, father mike, father mike schmitz, foundations of faith, fr mike, fr mike schmitz, hope, jesus, profession of faith, scripture, tradition, we believe
While faith is deeply personal, it is not an isolated act. Today, Fr. Mike reflects on the reality that our faith is communal. It is lived out and passed down in the context of community. We also learn that faith is truly the beginning of eternal life. Despite the sufferings of this world, when we walk by faith, we experience a taste of heaven here and now. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 163-169.
Day 134: The Forgiveness of Sins (2024)
May 13th, 2024 | 17 mins 14 secs
apostles creed, article 10, baptism, concupiscence, confession, forgiveness of sins, grace of baptism, i believe in the forgiveness of sins, in brief, inclination towards evil, nugget day, one baptism, power of the keys, power to forgive sins, reconciliation, repentance, sacrament of penance
The Catechism provides an overview on how Jesus grants the Church the ability to forgive sins through both Baptism and the sacrament of Reconciliation. Fr. Mike doubles down on the revelation that there is no sin that Jesus can’t forgive—and no one is disqualified. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 976-987.
Day 26: Communion of Believers (2024)
January 26th, 2024 | 19 mins 29 secs
apostles creed, baptism, beliefs, believe, believers, catholic tradition, common language, communion, nicene creed, pledge, sharing faith, summary, summary of faith, symbol of faith, understanding, what we believe, witness, witness of faith
Today we further realize the sense of the word “credo,” meaning “I believe.” As we read the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed, we discover the differences between the two and come to understand how the Nicene Creed, which came centuries later, expands upon and explains the beliefs of the Apostles’ Creed. Fr. Mike tells us that these Creeds help us to share the essential elements of Catholicism, acting as “symbols of faith,” and encouraging communion between believers. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 185-192.
Day 23: We Believe (2024)
January 23rd, 2024 | 15 mins 52 secs
apostles creed, belief, catholic creed, community, creed, eternal life, faith, hope, profession of faith, we believe
While faith is deeply personal, it is not an isolated act. Today, Fr. Mike reflects on the reality that our faith is communal. It is lived out and passed down in the context of community. We also learn that faith is truly the beginning of eternal life. Despite the sufferings of this world, when we walk by faith, we experience a taste of heaven here and now. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 163-169.
Day 134: The Forgiveness of Sins
May 14th, 2023 | 17 mins 14 secs
apostles creed, article 10, baptism, concupiscence, confession, forgiveness of sins, grace of baptism, i believe in the forgiveness of sins, in brief, inclination towards evil, nugget day, one baptism, power of the keys, power to forgive sins, reconciliation, repentance, sacrament of penance
The Catechism provides an overview on how Jesus grants the Church the ability to forgive sins through both Baptism and the sacrament of Reconciliation. Fr. Mike doubles down on the revelation that there is no sin that Jesus can’t forgive—and no one is disqualified. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 976-987.
Day 26: Communion of Believers
January 26th, 2023 | 19 mins 29 secs
apostles creed, ascension, baptism, beliefs, believe, believers, bible, catechism, catechism in a year, catechism of the catholic church, catholic, catholic church, catholic doctrine, catholic faith, catholic teachings, catholic tradition, catholicism, common language, communion, father mike, father mike schmitz, foundations of faith, fr mike, fr mike schmitz, jesus, nicene creed, pledge, scripture, sharing faith, summary, summary of faith, symbol of faith, tradition, understanding, what we believe, witness, witness of faith
Fr. Mike tells us that these Creeds help us to share the essential elements of Catholicism, acting as “symbols of faith,” and encouraging communion between believers.
Day 23: We Believe
January 23rd, 2023 | 15 mins 52 secs
apostles creed, belief, catholic creed, community, creed, eternal life, faith, hope, profession of faith, we believe
While faith is deeply personal, it is not an isolated act. Today, Fr. Mike reflects on the reality that our faith is communal. It is lived out and passed down in the context of community. We also learn that faith is truly the beginning of eternal life. Despite the sufferings of this world, when we walk by faith, we experience a taste of heaven here and now. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 163-169.