The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
A day-by-day walk through the transformative beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church.
We found 6 episodes of The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) with the tag “article 3”.
Day 351: The Prayer of the Hour of Jesus (2024)
December 16th, 2024 | 15 mins 20 secs
article 3, article three, chapter 3, chapter three, christian prayer, his hour, how we pray, john, our father, pantocrator, part 4, part four, philippians, pray, prayer in the christian life, prayer of our high priest, priestly prayer of jesus, relationship, sacrificial prayer, section 1, section one, the life of prayer, the prayer of the hour of jesus
Looking at the prayer of the Hour of Jesus, we learn from the Catechism that it “embraces the whole economy of creation and salvation, as well as his death and Resurrection.” This prayer summarizes everything: “God and the world; the Word and the flesh; eternal life and time; the love that hands itself over and the sin that betrays it; the disciples present and those who will believe in him by their word; humiliation and glory. It is the prayer of unity.” Fr. Mike reiterates that this prayer from the Son to the Father allows us to pray as sons and daughters of Christ and give glory to the Father. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2746-2751.
Day 281: Keep Holy the Lord’s Day (2024)
October 7th, 2024 | 20 mins 54 secs
10 commandments, 3rd commandment, article 3, article three, commandments, how we live, life in christ, love of god, outward, part 3, part three, public, regular, rest, st ignatius of antioch, st justin martyr, sunday, ten commandments, the lord’s day, the sabbath day, the seventh day, third commandment, visible, worship
We begin exploring the third commandment and learn about rest and worship concerning the Lord’s Day. The Catechism points out that God models what he wants for us as he also rested on the seventh day. Fr. Mike explains the importance of prioritizing rest for ourselves because we are free and no longer enslaved people. The Catechism describes how we are to keep the Lord’s Day holy with “outward, visible, public, and regular worship ‘as a sign of his universal beneficence to all.’” Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2168-2176.
Day 234: Freedom and Responsibility (2024)
August 21st, 2024 | 16 mins 2 secs
article 3, choosing evil, choosing good, definition of free will, definition of freedom, free will, freedom and responsibility, imputability, involuntary, man’s freedom, negative freedom, original sin, positive freedom, religious freedom, slavery of sin, vice, virtue, voluntary
The Catechism gives us an overview of what it means for humans to have freedom, as well as some of the ramifications of that freedom. It introduces us to the countercultural notion that true freedom is to choose the good—the “freedom” to choose evil is merely the abuse of freedom. Fr. Mike ensures that we understand imputability and culpability because questions about intention, ignorance, and other social factors will be the hinges upon which swing the doors of sin. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 1730-1738.
Day 351: The Prayer of the Hour of Jesus
December 17th, 2023 | 15 mins 20 secs
article 3, article three, chapter 3, chapter three, christian prayer, his hour, how we pray, john, our father, pantocrator, part 4, part four, philippians, pray, prayer in the christian life, prayer of our high priest, priestly prayer of jesus, relationship, sacrificial prayer, section 1, section one, the life of prayer, the prayer of the hour of jesus
Looking at the prayer of the Hour of Jesus, we learn from the Catechism that it “embraces the whole economy of creation and salvation, as well as his death and Resurrection.” This prayer summarizes everything: “God and the world; the Word and the flesh; eternal life and time; the love that hands itself over and the sin that betrays it; the disciples present and those who will believe in him by their word; humiliation and glory. It is the prayer of unity.” Fr. Mike reiterates that this prayer from the Son to the Father allows us to pray as sons and daughters of Christ and give glory to the Father. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2746-2751.
Day 281: Keep Holy the Lord’s Day
October 8th, 2023 | 20 mins 54 secs
10 commandments, 3rd commandment, article 3, article three, commandments, how we live, life in christ, love of god, outward, part 3, part three, public, regular, rest, st ignatius of antioch, st justin martyr, sunday, ten commandments, the lord’s day, the sabbath day, the seventh day, third commandment, visible, worship
We begin exploring the third commandment and learn about rest and worship concerning the Lord’s Day. The Catechism points out that God models what he wants for us as he also rested on the seventh day. Fr. Mike explains the importance of prioritizing rest for ourselves because we are free and no longer enslaved people. The Catechism describes how we are to keep the Lord’s Day holy with “outward, visible, public, and regular worship ‘as a sign of his universal beneficence to all.’” Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2168-2176.
Day 234: Freedom and Responsibility
August 22nd, 2023 | 16 mins 2 secs
article 3, choosing evil, choosing good, definition of free will, definition of freedom, free will, freedom and responsibility, imputability, involuntary, man’s freedom, negative freedom, original sin, positive freedom, religious freedom, slavery of sin, vice, virtue, voluntary
The Catechism gives us an overview of what it means for humans to have freedom, as well as some of the ramifications of that freedom. It introduces us to the countercultural notion that true freedom is to choose the good—the “freedom” to choose evil is merely the abuse of freedom. Fr. Mike ensures that we understand imputability and culpability because questions about intention, ignorance, and other social factors will be the hinges upon which swing the doors of sin. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 1730-1738.