The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
A day-by-day walk through the transformative beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church.
We found 7 episodes of The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) with the tag “in-brief”.
Day 53: Man in Paradise (2025)
February 22nd, 2025 | 16 mins 17 secs
adam and eve, ascension, bible, catechism, catechism in a year, catechism of the catholic church, catholic, catholic church, catholic doctrine, catholic faith, catholic teachings, catholicism, concupiscence, father mike, father mike schmitz, foundations of faith, fr mike, fr mike schmitz, friendship with god, harmony with creation, in brief, in-brief, jesus, labor, leisure, love, mastery of self, original justice, original sin, scripture, the garden, tradition, work
In the beginning, humans were in friendship with God and in harmony with creation. The Catechism unfolds this harmony and introduces us to the “original justice” that our first parents lost in sin. Fr. Mike reminds us that, although our original callings to leisure, love, and labor have been twisted by sin, they are renewed in Christ. Today's readings are Catechism paragraphs 374-384.
Day 194: Summary of the Sacrament of the Eucharist (2024)
July 12th, 2024 | 15 mins 35 secs
adoration, blood of christ, body of christ, communicant, consecration, eucharist, eucharistic, grace, holy communion, in brief, in-brief, john 6, living bread, mystical body, new covenant, nugget day, reparation, sacrament of sacraments, sacrifice, species of bread and wine, state of grace, thanksgiving, transubstantial, transubstantiation
The Catechism has spent considerable time unpacking Holy Communion—the “sacrament of sacraments”—with us, and now she summarizes the most essential truths that we must internalize and move forward with. Fr. Mike takes this “nugget day” to tell us that God desires to feed us. He has given us his Son so that we might be filled with him and made whole again, in unity with him for all of eternity. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 1406-1419.
Day 72: Mary’s Motherhood (2024)
March 12th, 2024 | 14 mins 8 secs
blessed mother, ever virgin, ever-virgin, in brief, in-brief, mary mother of god, mary’s motherhood, mary’s virginity, new eve, perpetual virginity, theotokos, virginal motherhood
For those with any lingering doubts or questions, the Catechism offers five reasons for Mary’s perpetual virginity. Fr. Mike digs into each reason and explains what each of them means for us as spiritual sons and daughters of our Immaculate Mother. Today's readings are Catechism paragraphs 502-511.
Day 53: Man in Paradise (2024)
February 22nd, 2024 | 16 mins 17 secs
adam and eve, concupiscence, friendship with god, harmony with creation, in brief, in-brief, labor, leisure, love, mastery of self, original justice, original sin, the garden, work
In the beginning, humans were in friendship with God and in harmony with creation. The Catechism unfolds this harmony and introduces us to the “original justice” that our first parents lost in sin. Fr. Mike reminds us that, although our original callings to leisure, love, and labor have been twisted by sin, they are renewed in Christ. Today's readings are Catechism paragraphs 374-384.
Day 194: Summary of the Sacrament of the Eucharist
July 13th, 2023 | 15 mins 35 secs
adoration, blood of christ, body of christ, communicant, consecration, eucharist, eucharistic, grace, holy communion, in brief, in-brief, john 6, living bread, mystical body, new covenant, nugget day, reparation, sacrament of sacraments, sacrifice, species of bread and wine, state of grace, thanksgiving, transubstantial, transubstantiation
The Catechism has spent considerable time unpacking Holy Communion—the “sacrament of sacraments”—with us, and now she summarizes the most essential truths that we must internalize and move forward with. Fr. Mike takes this “nugget day” to tell us that God desires to feed us. He has given us his Son so that we might be filled with him and made whole again, in unity with him for all of eternity. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 1406-1419.
Day 72: Mary’s Motherhood
March 13th, 2023 | 14 mins 8 secs
blessed mother, ever virgin, ever-virgin, in brief, in-brief, mary mother of god, mary’s motherhood, mary’s virginity, new eve, perpetual virginity, theotokos, virginal motherhood
For those with any lingering doubts or questions, the Catechism offers five reasons for Mary’s perpetual virginity. Fr. Mike digs into each reason and explains what each of them means for us as spiritual sons and daughters of our Immaculate Mother. Today's readings are Catechism paragraphs 502-511.
Day 53: Man in Paradise
February 22nd, 2023 | 16 mins 17 secs
adam and eve, concupiscence, friendship with god, harmony with creation, in brief, in-brief, labor, leisure, love, mastery of self, original justice, original sin, the garden, work
In the beginning, humans were in friendship with God and in harmony with creation. The Catechism unfolds this harmony and introduces us to the “original justice” that our first parents lost in sin. Fr. Mike reminds us that, although our original callings to leisure, love, and labor have been twisted by sin, they are renewed in Christ. Today's readings are Catechism paragraphs 374-384.