The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
A day-by-day walk through the transformative beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church.
We found 2 episodes of The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) with the tag “parricide”.
Day 294: Homicide (2024)
October 20th, 2024 | 12 mins 11 secs
5th commandment, direct and intentional killing, eugenics, fifth commandment, fratricide, homicide, how we live, indirectly killing, infanticide, intentional homicide, life in christ, love of neighbor, manslaughter, murder, parricide, part 3, part three, the commandments, thou shalt not kill, unintentional killing, you shall not kill
Day 294: Homicide
October 21st, 2023 | 12 mins 11 secs
5th commandment, direct and intentional killing, eugenics, fifth commandment, fratricide, homicide, how we live, indirectly killing, infanticide, intentional homicide, life in christ, love of neighbor, manslaughter, murder, parricide, part 3, part three, the commandments, thou shalt not kill, unintentional killing, you shall not kill
Continuing our examination of the fifth commandment, we look at various ways in which one may sin against this commandment as it relates to homicide. The Catechism addresses three categories of homicide: direct and intentional killing, indirectly killing, and unintentionally killing. Fr. Mike explores this grave topic with resonating examples and explains the varying degrees of moral culpability. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2268-2269.