The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
A day-by-day walk through the transformative beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church.
We found 10 episodes of The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) with the tag “saints”.
Day 47: The Angels (2025)
February 16th, 2025 | 17 mins 58 secs
angels, ascension, bible, catechism, catechism in a year, catechism of the catholic church, catholic, catholic church, catholic doctrine, catholic faith, catholic teachings, catholicism, church, corporeal, creation, creatures, earth, father mike, father mike schmitz, foundations of faith, fr mike, fr mike schmitz, gloria, heaven, intercession, jesus, jesus christ, liturgy, saints, scripture, spiritual, spiritual world, tradition, worship
The angels belong to Christ as they were made through him and for him, and he has made them messengers of his saving plan. We learn that angels have been present throughout the history of salvation, and the life of Christ is surrounded by the adoration and service of angels. Fr. Mike explains how in the liturgy, we join the angels in praising God, and all of human life is surrounded by angels’ care and protection. He reminds us that all angels and saints have the power to intercede for us before God. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 331-336.
Day 44: The Scandal of Evil (2025)
February 13th, 2025 | 17 mins 45 secs
ascension, bible, brokenness, catechism, catechism in a year, catechism of the catholic church, catholic, catholic church, catholic doctrine, catholic faith, catholic teachings, catholicism, evil, fallen world, father mike, father mike schmitz, foundations of faith, fr mike, fr mike schmitz, jesus, physical evil moral evil, saints, scandal of evil, scripture, sin, suffering, tradition
If God is a good Father and creates a good world, why does evil exist? The Catechism addresses this profound and often painful question. Fr. Mike helps us understand how to reconcile sin, evil, and suffering with God’s loving Providence. He assures us that while God does not remove evil, he does redeem it, offering himself as the solution. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 309-314.
Day 8: God Forms His People (2025)
January 8th, 2025 | 16 mins 35 secs
abraham, ascension, bible, catechism, catechism in a year, catechism of the catholic church, catholic, catholic church, catholic doctrine, catholic faith, catholic teachings, catholicism, chosen people, christian joy, father mike, father mike schmitz, foundations of faith, fr mike, fr mike schmitz, holy men, holy women, hope, hope in the lord, israel, jesus, prophets, redemption, saints, salvation, scripture, tradition
God chose Abraham and made him the “father of a multitude of nations.” Then God formed Israel as his people, freeing them from slavery in Egypt. Fr. Mike explains why God reveals himself in stages, and through the prophets who are honored as saints, he continues to form his people in the hope of salvation. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 59-64.
Day 344: Guides for Prayer (2024)
December 9th, 2024 | 18 mins 9 secs
catechesis, family, guides of prayer, holiness, how to pray, learning to pray, prayer, prayer groups, prayer life, praying, priests, religious, saints, teachers of prayer
We are lifelong learners in the school of prayer. The Church offers various guides to help us grow and cultivate our prayer lives. These include the family, the saints, priests, religious brothers and sisters, prayer groups, spiritual directors, and more. These individuals and communities teach us to pray in different ways and inspire us to persevere in prayer. Fr. Mike invites us to reflect on how God calls us to lead others in the Faith. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2683-2690.
Day 338: Intercession and Thanksgiving (2024)
December 3rd, 2024 | 13 mins 4 secs
grief, intercession, love, prayer, praying, saints, thanksgiving
We look at two more forms of prayer: intercession and thanksgiving. Fr. Mike emphasizes that in the age of the Church, intercession, or asking on behalf of another, is participating in Christ’s mediation. He also emphasizes that in all things we must give thanks, even in times of suffering and grief. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2634-2638.
Day 337: Blessing, Adoration, and Petition (2024)
December 2nd, 2024 | 23 mins 13 secs
grief, intercession, love, prayer, praying, saints, thanksgiving
Prayer in the age of the Church takes on many different forms. Together, we examine specifically blessing, adoration, and petition. Fr. Mike emphasizes the beauty that all of our prayers of blessing are a response to God’s blessings for us. He also explores how common and spontaneous prayers of petition to our Father in heaven truly are, but in the age of the Church, our petition is full of hope and not lamentation. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2623-2633.
Day 264: Man’s Merit (2024)
September 20th, 2024 | 15 mins 12 secs
charity, christ, good deeds, grace, merit, saint therese, saints
Knowing that our good actions begin and end in Christ, we recognize that man’s merit is due to God. Fr. Mike explains that charity in Christ is the source of all our merits. In this way, merit is pure grace, and we should look to the saints for examples of how to live this truth out. St. Thérèse of Lisieux puts it best when she prays to God: “In the evening of this life, I shall appear before you with empty hands.” Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2006-2011.
Day 47: The Angels (2024)
February 16th, 2024 | 17 mins 58 secs
angels, church, corporeal, creation, creatures, earth, gloria, heaven, intercession, jesus christ, liturgy, saints, spiritual, spiritual world, worship
The angels belong to Christ as they were made through him and for him, and he has made them messengers of his saving plan. We learn that angels have been present throughout the history of salvation, and the life of Christ is surrounded by the adoration and service of angels. Fr. Mike explains how in the liturgy, we join the angels in praising God, and all of human life is surrounded by angels’ care and protection. He reminds us that all angels and saints have the power to intercede for us before God. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 331-336.
Day 44: The Scandal of Evil (2024)
February 13th, 2024 | 17 mins 45 secs
brokenness, evil, fallen world, physical evil moral evil, saints, scandal of evil, sin, suffering
If God is a good Father and creates a good world, why does evil exist? The Catechism addresses this profound and often painful question. Fr. Mike helps us understand how to reconcile sin, evil, and suffering with God’s loving Providence. He assures us that while God does not remove evil, he does redeem it, offering himself as the solution. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 309-314.
Day 8: God Forms His People (2024)
January 8th, 2024 | 16 mins 35 secs
abraham, chosen people, christian joy, holy men, holy women, hope, hope in the lord, israel, jesus, prophets, redemption, saints, salvation
God chose Abraham and made him the “father of a multitude of nations.” Then God formed Israel as his people, freeing them from slavery in Egypt. Fr. Mike explains why God reveals himself in stages, and through the prophets who are honored as saints, he continues to form his people in the hope of salvation. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 59-64.