The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
A day-by-day walk through the transformative beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church.
We found 5 episodes of The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) with the tag “the image of god”.
Day 5: How We Know God (2025)
January 5th, 2025 | 12 mins 48 secs
ascension, bible, catechism, catechism in a year, catechism of the catholic church, catholic, catholic church, catholic doctrine, catholic faith, catholic teachings, catholicism, dei filius, dei verbum, father mike, father mike schmitz, foundations of faith, fr mike, fr mike schmitz, how can we speak about god, humani generis, jesus, knowing god, knowledge of god, pope pius xii, revelation from god, scripture, speaking about god, st. thomas aquinas, talking about god, the image of god, tradition, vatican council i, vatican council ii, what we know about god
What can we know about God? The Catechism tells us three important things: 1) We can know God with our human reason, but 2) that knowledge will always be limited, and 3) we rely on God to reveal himself to us. Fr. Mike warns us that learning who God is requires self-surrender and abnegation, for the human heart struggles to recognize the infinite gap between Creator and created. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 36-43.
Day 232: Man Is Made in the Image of God (2024)
August 19th, 2024 | 19 mins 46 secs
beatitude, chapter one, dignity of the human person, divine charity, divine image, filial adoption, for its own sake, free will, human solidarity, image and likeness, in brief, life in the spirit, likeness of god, man’s vocation, nugget day, section 1, section one, the image of god, vocation of man
We enter a new chapter examining the dignity of the human person, and Article 1 shows us that we have dignity because we are made in the image and likeness of God. We preserve that dignity when we exercise virtue and charity, and we do violence to it when we commit sin and evil acts. Fr. Mike hones in on the bold statement that we as humans are “the only creature on earth that God has willed for its own sake.” Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 1699-1715.
Day 5: How We Know God (2024)
January 5th, 2024 | 13 mins 36 secs
dei filius, dei verbum, how can we speak about god, humani generis, knowing god, knowledge of god, pope pius xii, revelation from god, speaking about god, st. thomas aquinas, talking about god, the image of god, vatican council i, vatican council ii, what we know about god
What can we know about God? The Catechism tells us three important things: 1) We can know God with our human reason, but 2) that knowledge will always be limited, and 3) we rely on God to reveal himself to us. Fr. Mike warns us that learning who God is requires self-surrender and abnegation, for the human heart struggles to recognize the infinite gap between Creator and created. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 36-43.
Day 232: Man Is Made in the Image of God
August 20th, 2023 | 19 mins 46 secs
beatitude, chapter one, dignity of the human person, divine charity, divine image, filial adoption, for its own sake, free will, human solidarity, image and likeness, in brief, life in the spirit, likeness of god, man’s vocation, nugget day, section 1, section one, the image of god, vocation of man
We enter a new chapter examining the dignity of the human person, and Article 1 shows us that we have dignity because we are made in the image and likeness of God. We preserve that dignity when we exercise virtue and charity, and we do violence to it when we commit sin and evil acts. Fr. Mike hones in on the bold statement that we as humans are “the only creature on earth that God has willed for its own sake.” Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 1699-1715.
Day 5: How We Know God
January 5th, 2023 | 12 mins 48 secs
dei filius, dei verbum, how can we speak about god, humani generis, knowing god, knowledge of god, pope pius xii, revelation from god, speaking about god, st. thomas aquinas, talking about god, the image of god, vatican council i, vatican council ii, what we know about god
What can we know about God? The Catechism tells us three important things: 1) We can know God with our human reason, but 2) that knowledge will always be limited, and 3) we rely on God to reveal himself to us. Fr. Mike warns us that learning who God is requires self-surrender and abnegation, for the human heart struggles to recognize the infinite gap between Creator and created. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 36-43.