The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

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Episode Archive

775 episodes of The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) since the first episode, which aired on October 7th, 2022.

  • Day 275: Superstition, Idolatry, and Magic

    October 2nd, 2023  |  19 mins 33 secs
    commandments, divination, first commandment, idolatry, magic, superstition, ten commandments

    Superstition, idolatry, divination, and magic are all things we can encounter in our daily lives, and, with Fr. Mike, we unpack how they break the first commandment. Fr. Mike reiterates that superstition represents an “excess of religion” and can affect the worship we offer to God. He points out that we can be superstitious even in our Catholic practices. He also explains that idolatry consists of divinizing anything that is not God. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2110-2117.

  • Day 274: Social Duty of Religion

    October 1st, 2023  |  17 mins
    civil liberty, evangelize, natural law, religious freedom, religious liberty, right to religious freedom, social duty of christians, social duty of religion, society

    The social duty of religion and the right to religious freedom are presented to us in the Catechism. We examine what it means to have respect for other religions and the freedom, within limits, to exercise our convictions. Fr. Mike makes it clear that it is our calling as Christians to evangelize and bring our Catholic Christianity to the public square. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2104-2109.

  • Day 273: Him Only Shall You Serve

    September 30th, 2023  |  20 mins 21 secs
    10 commandments, 1st commandment, act of the apostles, adoration, cannon law, charity, chastity, commandments, decalogue, deuteronomy, faith, first commandment, hope, justice, love, obedience, poverty, prayer, promises, sacrifice, st augustine, st francis desales, st paul, ten commandments, ten words, vows, worship the lord your god and him only shall you serve

    How can we serve God? The Catechism identifies ways in which we can keep the first commandment through adoration, prayer, sacrifice, and promises and vows. Fr. Mike relates these to us and identifies how we can truly worship and serve the Lord throughout our daily lives. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2095-2103.

  • Day 272: You Shall Worship the Lord Your God

    September 29th, 2023  |  25 mins 10 secs
    10 commandments, 1st commandment, acedia, apostasy, article 1, article one, chapter 1, chapter one, charity, commandments, decalogue, despair, faith, first commandment, hatred of god, heresy, hope, incredulity, indifference, ingratitude, love, love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, lukewarmness, presumption, schism, st justin, st paul, ten commandments, ten words, voluntary doubt, worship the lord your god and him only shall you serve

    “You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.” Taking a look at the first commandment, we see how we are called to love and worship God above all else. The Catechism also lists the ways in which we may potentially fall into sins against faith, hope, and charity. Fr. Mike elaborates on these violations and reminds us that while it may seem overwhelming, God loved us first, and we must trust in him. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2083-2094.

  • Day 271: Love of God

    September 28th, 2023  |  20 mins 5 secs
    10 commandments, commandments, decalogue, deuteronomy, exodus, love of god, love of neighbor, love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, love your neighbor as yourself, natural law, obligation, st augustine, st bonaventure, st irenaeus, ten commandments, ten words, the greatest commandment, traditional catechetical formula, unity

    We continue our overview of the Ten Commandments by looking at the two parts: love of God and love of neighbor. Together they form a “coherent whole,” and there is a unity between the two. While the Catechism shows us our obligation to follow the Commandments, it also reminds us that, “What God commands, he makes possible by his grace.” Fr. Mike emphasizes that even though it may be challenging at times, we are not alone. Jesus is here to help us keep his Commandments. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2064-2082.

  • Day 270: The Ten Commandments

    September 27th, 2023  |  21 mins 14 secs
    10 commandments, commandments, covenant, decalogue, deuteronomy, exodus, love of god, love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, love your neighbor as yourself, section 2, section two, st irenaeus, ten commandments, ten words, the greatest commandment, theophany, traditional catechetical formula

    God reveals himself and his glory through the Ten Commandments. We begin exploring the Ten Commandments as shown in the Catechism and learn about how these laws are not meant to limit us, but set us free from the slavery of sin. Fr. Mike reminds us that the Commandments are truly a gift from God and reflects his love for us. Today’s readings are the Ten Commandments and Catechism paragraphs 2052-2063.

  • Day 269: Our Missionary Witness

    September 26th, 2023  |  16 mins 8 secs
    authentic, church, faithful, fidelity, gospel, morality, witness

    The Church’s mission of evangelization depends on the faithful witness of her members. Christian goodness and fidelity authenticate the Gospel. As Fr. Mike relates, people are attracted to admirable but everyday Christian witnesses. Through such lives of quiet holiness, the Church is built up and brought to greater fullness. This episode closes with a few summary “nuggets” about the moral life in the Church. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2044-2051.

  • Day 268: The Precepts of the Church

    September 25th, 2023  |  21 mins 35 secs
    church, conscience, generosity, law, morality, prayer

    God has given the Church his law as “the way of life and truth.” We, therefore, have the right to be taught and guided while maintaining a spirit of docility in love. In this, Fr. Mike reminds us that the Church is our caring mother. Her care extends into the five precepts of the Church, those laws establishing the very minimum needed to remain an active member of the Body of Christ. These have to do with attending Mass, receiving the sacraments, fasting, and providing for the needs of the Church. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2037-2043.

  • Day 267: The Church as Mother and Teacher

    September 24th, 2023  |  18 mins 54 secs
    church, consolation, morality, mother, natural law, teacher

    “The moral life is spiritual worship,” says the Catechism. From the Church, we receive moral guidance, with the Magisterium safeguarding and passing down authentic Christian moral teaching through the generations. This teaching reminds us who we are and how we should be, though it may sometimes deeply challenge us. In its prophetic role, Fr. Mike tells us, “the Church must both console and convict.” Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2030-2036.

  • Day 266: The Gift of Grace

    September 23rd, 2023  |  17 mins 10 secs
    conversion, freedom, grace, heaven, love, perfection, salvation

    In this summary of the Catechism’s teaching on holiness, justification, and merit, we briefly consider the work of God’s grace and mercy. His grace moves us from sin and toward him, making us his sons and daughters and bringing us into the very life of the Trinity. This gift of grace invites us to respond to his promptings and invitations freely. Finally, God offers “all the graces needed to attain eternal life.” Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2017-2029.

  • Day 265: The Call to Holiness

    September 22nd, 2023  |  13 mins 26 secs
    battle, heaven, holiness, holy, love, mystical, perfection

    Each of us is called to holiness. As Fr. Mike puts it, we’re all called to the “heights of holiness.” No matter our station in life, we’re meant for ever greater union with Christ, devoting ourselves to the love of God and neighbor. The path of holiness also entails the Cross, self-denial, and the sacrifice that ultimately leads to peace. And as Fr. Mike reminds us, even if we stumble or fail, we know that we can, time after time, “begin again.” Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2012-2016.

  • Day 264: Man’s Merit

    September 21st, 2023  |  15 mins 12 secs
    charity, christ, good deeds, grace, merit, saint therese, saints

    Knowing that our good actions begin and end in Christ, we recognize that man’s merit is due to God. Fr. Mike explains that charity in Christ is the source of all our merits. In this way, merit is pure grace, and we should look to the saints for examples of how to live this truth out. St. Thérèse of Lisieux puts it best when she prays to God: “In the evening of this life, I shall appear before you with empty hands.” Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2006-2011.

  • Day 263: Responding to Grace

    September 20th, 2023  |  17 mins 34 secs
    free will, grace, justification, responding to gods will, sacramental graces, salvation, supernatural grace

    God’s free initiative demands man’s free response. We continue our discussion of grace today by examining how grace and our free will interact in our lives. Fr. Mike also explains the purpose of sacramental graces and how the expression of these graces looks different across the Body of Christ. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2002-2005.

  • Day 262: Habitual and Actual Grace

    September 19th, 2023  |  19 mins 38 secs
    actual grace, deifying grace, grace, habitual grace, participation in god's life, sanctification, supernatural

    Without God’s help, we can do nothing. The Catechism delves into grace today, explaining how grace works and helps us achieve our supernatural vocation to eternal life. Fr. Mike unpacks the difference between habitual and actual grace and reminds us that God is always the initiator of all our spiritual efforts. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 1996-2001.

  • Day 261: Justification

    September 18th, 2023  |  19 mins
    grace, holy spirit, justification, justified, righteous, righteousness, salvation, sanctification, sanctify, sin

    What does it mean to be justified? The Catechism teaches us today about the grace of the Holy Spirit and its power to justify us. Fr. Mike explains how justification detaches us from sin and purifies our hearts. We learn that justification brings about a marvelous inward transformation that bears witness to God's great mercy. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 1987-1995.

  • Day 260: Summary of the Moral Law

    September 17th, 2023  |  10 mins 45 secs
    commandments, following moral laws, law, moral law, moral rules, morality, natural law, new law, obeying gods law, old law

    In today’s “Nugget Day,” Fr. Mike reviews the significant takeaways that the Catechism teaches us about the moral law. Fr. Mike highlights that God has written the moral law in the depths of every human heart. Today’s In Brief section also reminds us that the moral law is a “fatherly instruction by God,” rooted in love and oriented towards our joy, freedom, and flourishing. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 1975-1986.