The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
A day-by-day walk through the transformative beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church.
We found 10 episodes of The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) with the tag “worship”.
Day 83: Jesus and the Temple (2025)
March 24th, 2025 | 12 mins 59 secs
ascension, bible, catechism, catechism in a year, catechism of the catholic church, catholic, catholic church, catholic doctrine, catholic faith, catholic teachings, catholicism, destruction of the temple, father mike, father mike schmitz, foundations of faith, fr mike, fr mike schmitz, jesus, jesus and the temple, jewish temple, prophecy of the temple, sacrifice, scripture, temple, tradition, worship
Given that the Temple was at the heart of Jewish life and worship, Jesus’ relationship with the Temple speaks volumes. Fr. Mike highlights Jesus’ reverence for the Temple and unpacks the remarkable implications of Jesus’ prophecy about the destruction of the Temple. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 583-586.
Day 49: We Are Created For Worship (2025)
February 18th, 2025 | 20 mins 13 secs
ascension, bible, catechism, catechism in a year, catechism of the catholic church, catholic, catholic church, catholic doctrine, catholic faith, catholic teachings, catholicism, creation, creatures, earth, father mike, father mike schmitz, foundations of faith, fr mike, fr mike schmitz, heaven, jesus, rest, sabbath, scripture, tradition, worship
There is a solidarity among all of God’s creatures because all are oriented to give glory to God. We learn that God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, sanctifying it and blessing it. Fr. Mike tells us that all creatures were made with a view to the Sabbath, created for the worship and adoration of God. We are all called to the sacred task of worshiping God and nothing else should take precedence over it. We end with an “In Brief” review of all we have learned in recent sessions about the physical world, the spiritual world, angels, and creation. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 344-354.
Day 47: The Angels (2025)
February 16th, 2025 | 17 mins 58 secs
angels, ascension, bible, catechism, catechism in a year, catechism of the catholic church, catholic, catholic church, catholic doctrine, catholic faith, catholic teachings, catholicism, church, corporeal, creation, creatures, earth, father mike, father mike schmitz, foundations of faith, fr mike, fr mike schmitz, gloria, heaven, intercession, jesus, jesus christ, liturgy, saints, scripture, spiritual, spiritual world, tradition, worship
The angels belong to Christ as they were made through him and for him, and he has made them messengers of his saving plan. We learn that angels have been present throughout the history of salvation, and the life of Christ is surrounded by the adoration and service of angels. Fr. Mike explains how in the liturgy, we join the angels in praising God, and all of human life is surrounded by angels’ care and protection. He reminds us that all angels and saints have the power to intercede for us before God. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 331-336.
Day 282: The Sunday Obligation (2024)
October 8th, 2024 | 22 mins 51 secs
church on sundays, eucharist, paschal mystery, sabbath, skipping mass, sunday mass, sunday obligation, worship
Why are Catholics obligated to attend Mass every Sunday? The Catechism teaches us today about the centrality of the Sunday celebration of the Eucharist in the life of the Church. Fr. Mike emphasizes that Sunday Mass is at the heart of our worship because it is the participation in the representation of the Paschal Mystery. He invites us to honor the Sunday obligation out of love for Jesus. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2177-2183.
Day 281: Keep Holy the Lord’s Day (2024)
October 7th, 2024 | 20 mins 54 secs
10 commandments, 3rd commandment, article 3, article three, commandments, how we live, life in christ, love of god, outward, part 3, part three, public, regular, rest, st ignatius of antioch, st justin martyr, sunday, ten commandments, the lord’s day, the sabbath day, the seventh day, third commandment, visible, worship
We begin exploring the third commandment and learn about rest and worship concerning the Lord’s Day. The Catechism points out that God models what he wants for us as he also rested on the seventh day. Fr. Mike explains the importance of prioritizing rest for ourselves because we are free and no longer enslaved people. The Catechism describes how we are to keep the Lord’s Day holy with “outward, visible, public, and regular worship ‘as a sign of his universal beneficence to all.’” Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2168-2176.
Day 189: Worship of the Eucharist (2024)
July 7th, 2024 | 18 mins 16 secs
adoration, eucharist, paschal banquet, sacraments, true presence, worship
We continue our examination of the sacrament of the Eucharist, specifically how we worship the Eucharist. Fr. Mike examines how we, as Catholics, worship Christ's true and real presence in the Eucharist. He emphasizes how incredibly important the worship of Christ in the Eucharist is, specifically in Adoration. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 1378-1383.
Day 184: The Movement of the Mass (2024)
July 2nd, 2024 | 17 mins 22 secs
celebration of the mass, eucharist, high priest, liturgy, melchizedek, worship
There is great depth to the movement of the celebration of the Mass. Fr. Mike highlights the role of Christ as the head and high priest and the role of the laity as the body of Christ at Mass. Fr. Mike also emphasizes the importance of the altar at Mass, reminding us that the heart of religion is worship, and the heart of worship is sacrifice. Lastly, Fr. Mike explains how God’s love requires a response from each of us, making it both inclusive and exclusive love. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 1348-1355.
Day 163: Summary of the Liturgy (2024)
June 11th, 2024 | 11 mins 25 secs
churches, eucharist, litrugy of the hours, liturgical celebration, liturgy, mass, nugget day, prayer, sacrifice of the mass, worship
In today’s “nugget day”, we review the main takeaways from our readings on the liturgy. Fr. Mike invites us to remember that every time we participate in the liturgy, we are participating in the heavenly worship of the Father. We also learn that in times of discouragement, we can unite ourselves to Christ our high priest by praying the Liturgy of the Hours. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 1187-1199.
Day 158: Holy Images in the Liturgy (2024)
June 6th, 2024 | 12 mins 7 secs
holy images, iconography, icons, images, liturgy, word made flesh, worship
We continue our examination of the different elements of the liturgy, specifically holy images in the liturgy. Fr. Mike highlights that because the Word was made visible in the flesh, Christians now can use images of Christ to pray. Liturgical art is a symbol that points to a greater reality than itself. It is meant to lift our hearts and minds to the Lord in a way that words cannot. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 1159-1162.
Day 145: Introduction to the Liturgy (2024)
May 24th, 2024 | 16 mins 41 secs
community, grace, liturgy, sacraments, worship
Together, with Fr. Mike, we begin the section of the Catechism examining the liturgy. We start with an exploration of the questions of “why” the liturgy and “what” the liturgy is. Fr. Mike explains that it is through the liturgy that we are able to encounter the grace that Jesus Christ has won for us. He emphasizes that it is the liturgy that gives us access to God, himself. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 1066-1075.